Samples of the Finnish Stitch Group
Nalbinding swatches
The first number means the number of loops that stay around thumb, and the second number means how many loops are picked up onto the needle behind the thumb.
Or, if you are working flat, the first number means the number of yarns under which to insert the needle, and the second number means the number of yarns over which to insert the needle (before changing the direction of the needle).
Finnish Stitch 2+2 (front side) UUOO/UUOOO |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 2+2 (front side) Parikkala style UUOO/UUOOU (+ connection "under X") |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 2+3 (front side) UUOO/UUUOOO |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 3+2 (front side) UUUOO/UUOOOO |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 4+2 (front side) UUUUOO/UUOOOOO |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 3+3 (front side) UUUOOO/UUUOOOO |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+3 (front side) UOOO/UUUOO
Brodén Stitch, Norrtälje tekniken, grundtekniken; The most common stitch type in Sweden. |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+3, plaited edge (front side) UOOO/UUUOU F1
Alsike Stitch, Alsike tekniken (Sweden) |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+3, variant (front side) UOOO/UUUUO F1
Rådmansö Stitch, Rådmansö tekniken (Sweden) |
(reverse side)
[photo missing]
Finnish Stitch 1+3, M1 (front side) UOOO/UUUOO M1
Brottby Stitch, Brottby tekniken (Sweden) |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+2½ (front side) UOOo/uUUOU small o and u = split 3rd loop with needle
Stutby Stitch, Stutby tekniken (Sweden) |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+2, M1 (front side) UOO/UUOO M1
Kaukolan Kekomäki |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+2, M2 (front side) UOO/UUOO M2 (direction of the needle -->)
Müsen Stitch (Germany) |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+2 (front side) UOO/UUOO
Mammen Stitch (F2); Korgen Stitch (F1) |
(reverse stitch)
Finnish Stitch 1+1 (front side) UO/UOO
Oslo Stitch; Lund Stitch |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+1, B1 (front side) UO/UOO B1 |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+5 (front side) UOOOOO/UUUUUOO
Bålsta Stitch, Bålsta tekniken (Sweden) |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 2+1 (front side) UUO/UOUO
When working with thumb loops: At the end of the stitch, insert the needle under the thumb loop on the top, over the thumb loop at the bottom, under the needle yarn. |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+1, plaited edge (front side) UO/UOU F1 |
(reverse side) |
Finnish Stitch 1+1, plaited edge, B1 (front side) UO/UOU B1 |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+1, 'mirror image', plaited edge (front side) OU/OUO F1
One loop around thumb, pick it up onto the needle. Behind the thumb, pick up one loop onto the needle, from back to front, needle tip towards 9 o'clock. At the end insert needle over thumb loop, under needle yarn. |
(reverse side)
Finnish Stitch 1+1, 'mirror image', plaited edge (front side) OU/OUO B2 |
(reverse side)